It’s National Library Week 2024!

By Mary Bartling | Categories: Celebrations
National Library week 2024 graphic

This year’s theme for National Library Week is “Ready, Set, Library!”

Libraries enrich our lives, and connect our communities in ways we may not realize. From book groups to providing a safe after-school hangout space, to lending sports equipment, and so much more.

They play a role in economic development, as well, by providing resources and support for job seekers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses.

And, libraries support us at whatever point we happen to be on our journey through life. Whether you’re preparing for a new career, raising a family, or settling into retirement, libraries provide an inclusive and supportive community where you’ll feel welcome.

fountain outside library building

How to celebrate National Library Week?

Visit your library, of course. Anytime is a good time to visit your library, but this is an especially good week to do so. Many libraries have special events planned. And learn about the great things your library has to offer all the time.

And follow your library on social media to be sure you don’t miss out on all the good stuff they have to offer.

Help the American Library Association spread the word by sharing what you appreciate most about the resources and services your library provides.

Do you participate in the library’s storytime, or book club? Or maybe you love getting lost in their summer reading program. When you go to the library, are you looking for a quiet place to study? Or are you planning to get creative in the makerspace?

What’s your favorite thing to check out – books, movies, even cake pans? And do you attend programs to enrich your mind, meet authors, or engage in support groups within your community?

Participate for a chance to win:

The Grand Prize (1 winner) is a VISA gift card for $150, and your choice of one ALA graphics poster.

Second Prize (3 winners) is your choice of one ALA Graphics poster.

How to participate?

Snap a pic or shoot a video showcasing your favorite thing about your library. And, post it to Instagram, X, Threads, or on the I Love Libraries Facebook page with the hashtag #HowILibrary.

So, let’s see those creative reading spots, book stacks, and all the adventures libraries take you on! If you don’t have a photo to share, check out the Library Elements graphics at The promotion starts Sunday, April 7, at noon CT and ends Friday, April 12, at noon CT.

Join the #HowILibrary movement, and let’s make this the best National Library Week ever! Official Rules (PDF)

Your public library is more than simply a repository of books (which is pretty fabulous all by itself), it’s a community center. One that not only provides the resources and support you need, but offers an inclusive and supportive community where you will feel welcome. So, explore, become inspired, and connect with others this National Library Week. And be sure to make the public library part of your routine.

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