Help keep our democracy functioning: Vote for the Right to Read
A ccess to diverse books is not only essential to a strong education and a free mind, it’s critical to a healthy democracy. Reading is more than merely the decoding of texts. It’s the main road to basic information exchange, personal development, and the foundation of life-long learning. More importantly, however, reading is our most powerful tool for developing... Read More.
The Picture of Dorian Gray: the story of a closeted psyche
I magine if you will, living in a world where you never see yourself represented in books or media. (Insert Twilight Zone theme song here). And, when you finally do, it’s as negative, immoral, or downright evil. How would that effect you? And what does it have to do with The Picture of Dorian Gray? Consider this… LGBTQIA youth... Read More.
Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley Introduces the Books Save Lives Act
I n response to the nationwide rise in book banning, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) has introduced the Books Save Lives Act -- a bill that would help ensure an inclusive learning environment and counteract the harm of book bans across the country. There were over 4,300 instances of book bans between July and December 2023 alone. That’s 1,300 higher... Read More.