Submission Process
and guidelines
First, submit an abstract.
Interested essayists should submit an abstract of no more than 600 words, and a bio/cv of 300 words maximum. Your abstract should include:
- The title of the banned book you’ll be writing about.
… - When, why, and by whom it was challenged/banned.
… - A suggested essay title. As well as a brief summary of arguments you’ll be developing, and/or themes you’ll be investigating.
… - Also indicate if/how these insights relate to/reflect/address the book’s bannings/challenges.
… - Be sure to keep in mind, however, that while your views about when, why and by whom a book was banned/challenged may be relevant to your argument, we’re after more than just an editorial on a book’s bannings/challenges. This is not a platform to air your grievances. What we’re looking for is a comprehensive reading of a book that’s been banned/challenged.
… - Please send your abstract and bio/cv, in a single Word document, to: info@thisbookisbanned.com.
Next comes Abstract Review.
Our Review team will… well, review your submission and give you a shout if your abstract is accepted.
Then, submit a draft of your essay.
- Essays should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words (of main text, that is).
… - Like the abstract, essays should be sent in a Word document. They should have a title page, one that includes your name and the email address you’re using to submit your paper. Type should be 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri. And, text should be double-spaced, with standard 1 inch margins.
… - Most importantly, essays must adhere to strict standards of Academic integrity. Needless to say (but I will), unacknowledged word-for-word use of another person’s work is plagiarism. So is unacknowledged paraphrasing of someone else’s ideas. The bottom line… be sure to cite everything. But you probably already knew that.
… - Citations should take the form of endnotes (rather than footnotes). Every quote, and every borrowed idea should be cited individually (a list of sources will not suffice). Endnotes should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition. (A bibliography is not required.)
… - Due to copyright concerns, we’ll only post essays that have not been published elsewhere.
Now that all that’s out of the way, I can’t wait to see what you submit.