“Anatomy of a Book Banning” by Dave Eggers

ave Eggers’ book The Circle was not only pulled from high school reading lists in Rapid City, South Dakota, it was on a list with several other books school officials decided should be destroyed. Yes, destroyed. Eggers graciously gave This Book is Banned permission to publish a link to the following article he wrote about his experience with book banning. Be sure to give it a read.
Eggers describes himself as “the author of many books.” And indeed he is. His works include The Circle, The Monk of Mokha, Heroes of the Frontier, A Hologram for the King, and What is the What, just to name a few. There’s also his children’s books. Among them, What Can a Citizen Do?, Faraway Things, Her Right Foot.
As if being a tremendously successful writer (and all-around nice guy) isn’t enough, Eggers is also editor of McSweeney’s, an independent nonprofit publishing house. And, he’s co-founder of 826 National, a non-profit organization that focuses on student writing, tutoring, and publishing. As well as co-founding Voice of Witness, a nonprofit book series that illuminates human rights crises around the world through the oral histories of people who are most deeply impacted.
Not to mention being the recipient of more literary awards than you can shake a proverbial stick at.
Needless to say, he created quite a buzz (despite his unpretentious manner) for elated literacy educators from across the country when he appeared at this year’s NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) conference to sign his new all-ages novel, and winner of the John Newberry Medal, The Eyes & The Impossible.
And, it isn’t surprising that our conversation turned to the recent surge in banned books… or that Mr. Eggers graciously gave permission for This Book is Banned to share a link to the following article he wrote on the subject of book banning. Because he’s been the subject of book banning.
His book The Circle was not only pulled from high school reading lists in Rapid City, South Dakota, it was on a list with several other books that school officials decided should be destroyed. Yes destroyed, despite being in mint condition — they hadn’t even been removed from their shipping boxes.
And, he’s on a proverbial soapbox, full-throatedly fighting the good fight against book banning and the censorship of ideas.
By Dave Eggers.

This article originally appeared in The Washington Post on June 24, 2022.
Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash