T oday is the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. And, the significance of that moment in history is undeniable. But, especially on this day,... Read More.
J une is Pride Month! So, read a book from the ALA’s rainbow list. Or choose from books that have received the Stonewall... Read More.
T he phrase "It's a cakewalk" is typically used to mean something so easy success is certain. But the origins of this folk... Read More.
T he American Library Association (ALA) has designated April 24, 2023 as the inaugural Right to Read Day. More than simple acknowledgement, it’s... Read More.
A uthors of banned books have been ostracized, exiled, or even threatened with death. During certain periods, merely possessing a banned book was a... Read More.
T homas Morton’s blistering satire The New English Canaan is considered the first book to be banned in the United States (to be accurate,... Read More.
K urt Vonnegut's darkly funny anti-war novel has been banned at least eighteen times. Protagonist Billy Pilgrim has not only "come unstuck in... Read More.
L egislatively speaking, libraries have taken a pretty big hit lately. These letters from teachers, writers, and heads of state serve to remind us... Read More.
After public outcry, the publisher of Roald Dahl’s books does an about-face on proposed changes to language in his much-loved children’s books. Read... Read More.
Washington University in St. Louis hosted a panel discussion on Banned Comic Books. Who’s afraid of comic books? Book bans across Missouri and the... Read More.
N athaniel Hawthorne is renowned for deep symbolism and psychological insight. So, what's The Scarlet Letter really about? It's definitely about more than... Read More.
W hat's up with the brouhaha that perpetually revolves around this book? Salinger was writing within the most American of literary forms, the... Read More.