Unite Against Book Bans just added a new tool in the fight against book banning! C ollaborating with the publishing community, Unite Against Book... Read More.
W e’re over the moon about the first ever Eleanor Roosevelt Banned Book Awards Ceremony! Amid the surge of books being pulled from shelves... Read More.
J oy Reid has a new book out… Medgar & Myrlie! And that’s gladsome news. Because Joy’s new work about the overlooked legacy of... Read More.
. oday is World Read Aloud Day! Silent reading is the norm these days. But, that wasn’t always the case. Reading used to be noisy... Read More.
W e're celebrating Black History Month by shining a spotlight on Phillis Wheatley and William Wells Brown. Wheatley was the first African-American to publish... Read More.
B amboozled! It means to be hoodwinked, flimflammed, hornswoggled -- all fun & fancy words that mean to be tricked, deceived in underhanded ways.... Read More.
D ave Eggers' book The Circle was not only pulled from high school reading lists in Rapid City, South Dakota, it was on a... Read More.
T he New York Public Library is offering free, nationwide digital access to young adult books that have been the object of bans or... Read More.
T he phrase "I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference," is typically seen as an anthem of... Read More.
I t’s Rosa Parks Day! Despite efforts to silence teaching about race and racism, teachers are doing their darnedest to ensure that stories like... Read More.
I t’s Native American Heritage Month! November has been designated as a time to recognize the contributions, and unique, essential achievements of Native peoples... Read More.
W hy is it important to know about these literary devices? Like symbolic language, literary devices are techniques that authors use to take their... Read More.