November is National Native American Heritage Month, making it prime time for the following piece by guest essayist Maggie Speck-Kern, an essay on the... Read More.
W hat actually happens when young people read “disturbing” books? Literary scholars Gay Ivey and Peter Johnston have studied this at length. And it's... Read More.
T his piece from guest essayist Dr. Allen Schwab reflects thoughts and memories evoked by our previous post I Took the Road Less Traveled... Read More.
W hy study literature? Why read fiction? Why spend one’s life teaching it? What’s the point? This piece from guest essayist Abram Van Engen... Read More.
N ews about the McMinn County School Board’s unanimous decision to strike Maus from its curriculum made national headlines. This piece from guest essayist... Read More.
A poem by that addresses not only the limited thinking behind censorship, but also the dangerous implications of the practice. By Daniel W.... Read More.
C ensorship. It's increasing at an alarming rate. Like a lot of other topics, Plato has a lot to say on the subject.... Read More.