L egislatively speaking, libraries have taken a pretty big hit lately. These letters from teachers, writers, and heads of state serve to remind us... Read More.
After public outcry, the publisher of Roald Dahl’s books does an about-face on proposed changes to language in his much-loved children’s books. Read... Read More.
Washington University in St. Louis hosted a panel discussion on Banned Comic Books. Who’s afraid of comic books? Book bans across Missouri and the... Read More.
N ews about the McMinn County School Board’s unanimous decision to strike Maus from its curriculum made national headlines. This piece from guest essayist... Read More.
A poem by that addresses not only the limited thinking behind censorship, but also the dangerous implications of the practice. By Daniel W.... Read More.
C ensorship. It's increasing at an alarming rate. Like a lot of other topics, Plato has a lot to say on the subject.... Read More.