Dedicated to advancing literacy and free expression by celebrating books that have been challenged, restricted, or outright banned.


Slaughterhouse-Five: Jumbled, Jangled… and Burned.

K urt Vonnegut's darkly funny anti-war novel has been banned at least eighteen times. Protagonist Billy Pilgrim has not only "come unstuck in time," he's abducted by aliens. But why? What real life scenario does this reflect? Slaughterhouse-Five revolves around Billy Pilgrim, who like Vonnegut, was a POW in Dresden when it was decimated by Allied firebombing during... Read More.

Love Letters to the Library

L egislatively speaking, libraries have taken a pretty big hit lately. These letters from teachers, writers, and heads of state serve to remind us of what's at stake when state-sponsored censorship comes into play. Andrew Carnegie hit the proverbial nail on the head when he said “a library outranks any other one thing that a community can do to... Read More.

Roald Dahl’s publisher back pedals.

After public outcry, the publisher of Roald Dahl’s books does an about-face on proposed changes to language in his much-loved children’s books. Read more about it in this linked article. Keep speaking out against censorship wherever you find it! #on censorship

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