Dedicated to advancing literacy and free expression by celebrating books that have been challenged, restricted, or outright banned.


Fight Book Bans: Tools for fighting book bans and resisting censorship

F or the past several years, censorship has swept through schools and public libraries across the United States. According to PEN America’s ‘Banned in the USA’ reports, there have been more than 10,000 book bans in 42 states – both red and blue – since 2021. [1] This nationwide campaign is being driven by a small, but vocal minority who... Read More.

FAHRENHEIT 451: Insights into today’s epidemic of book banning

R ay Bradbury’s iconic dystopian work Fahrenheit 451 offers compelling insights into today’s epidemic of book banning. The progression of events within the text parallels how this scourge of book bans has unfolded. And, the predictive nature of Bradbury’s observations makes the correlations between them all the more captivating. The work’s opening lines makes it immediately clear that we’re... Read More.

Banned Books Week 2024

T his year’s theme is Freed Between the Lines. Our freedom to explore different perspectives and new ideas is under threat to be sure. But, book bans do more than just restrict our access to stories. They undermine our rights. So, let’s push back against book bans by coming together to celebrate the right to read...  and find freedom... Read More.

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