
It’s Right to Read Day, 2024!

A record-breaking 4,240 unique book titles were targeted for censorship in 2023. Last year Unite Against Book Bans established a day for readers, library lovers, and advocates everywhere to stand up to censorship as part of a national day of action -- Right to Read Day, and thousands answered the call. Let’s do it again! Because the book banners are definitely still at it. For statistics to share, a guide to get you organized, and a toolkit to get you started - click on the post's title.

Aphorisms Unplugged: Charity Begins at Home

“Charity begins at home.” We’ve all heard the expression. And, it's typically invoked to mean charitable donations are limited to one's own home. But that isn't what this aphorism is intended to convey. To find out what "Charity begins at home" really means - click on the post's title.

It’s National Library Week 2024!

It's National Library Week. And this year's theme is "Ready, Set, Library!" Libraries enrich our lives, and connect our communities in ways we may not realize. From book groups to providing a safe after-school hangout space, to supplying resources for launching a business, and so much more. Discover good ways to celebrate National Library Week, and you might even win a prize. To find out how to participate - click on the post's title.

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