Celebrating Ida B. Wells-Barnett
T his Juneteenth, we celebrate Ida B. Wells-Barnett, whose lifelong crusade to make lynching a federal crime finally came to fruition on March 29, 2022 – 124 years and 21 presidents later.[1] Wells-Barnett was an educator, investigative journalist, and early civil rights activist during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.[2] Lamentably, it’s become exceedingly difficult to tell stories... Read More.
Power of Books Author Series: Federico Erebia
I n this edition, we talk with Federico Erebia about how young readers being able to see themselves in books like Pedro & Daniel can literally be life-saving. And, how it offers hope for those who may be dealing with stigma and abuse. Efforts to ban books during the 2022-2023 school year are up 33 percent from the 2021-2022... Read More.
The Autobiography of Malcolm X: a testimony of social value
M alcolm X, needless to say, was a legendary civil rights activist and advocate for Black empowerment, one who continues to be widely celebrated for his pursuit of racial justice. His powerful speeches and fiery rhetoric challenged societal norms, which made him a controversial figure in the eyes of many white Americans – both during his lifetime and today.... Read More.