“Anatomy of a Book Banning” by Dave Eggers
D ave Eggers' book The Circle was not only pulled from high school reading lists in Rapid City, South Dakota, it was on a list with several other books school officials decided should be destroyed. Yes, destroyed. Eggers graciously gave This Book is Banned permission to publish a link to the following article he wrote about his experience with... Read More.
Henry James’ “The Jolly Corner” and Related Thoughts: a response to “I took the road less traveled by”
T his piece from guest essayist Dr. Allen Schwab reflects thoughts and memories evoked by our previous post I Took the Road Less Traveled By. . Schwab considers parallel themes in Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken," and Henry James' short story "The Jolly Corner," topped off with a dash of Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar." What can these works... Read More.
Free Nationwide Digital Access to Banned Books: New York Public Library’s Teen Banned Book Club
T he New York Public Library is offering free, nationwide digital access to young adult books that have been the object of bans or challenges... through their Teen Banned Book Club. There are also author talks and other book club events, so you can join the conversation. Not to mention a Teen Writing Contest, and a Toolkit to help... Read More.