A Caboodle of Fun & Fancy Words
J ust as Mary Poppins taught us, words can be fun! Remember supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? And let's not forget King Lear’s flibbertigibbet. Then there's the magical incantation abracadabra. But these are just a start, take a gander below.. Gardyloo: A silly, fun-to-say word to be sure! But, if you were an 18th-century Scotsman walking down the street and heard it being... Read More.
Aphorisms Unplugged: My Country Right or Wrong
M y country right or wrong is a saying frequently invoked as a testament of vigilant, aggressive, and unquestioning patriotism. But, the complete quote refers to something very different. If the expression wasn’t intended to promote an all-or-nothing form of patriotism, what does it actually mean? Sometimes that well-worn adage doesn’t really mean what our literal-minded, text-focused, Google-driven world... Read More.
Aphorisms Unplugged: Carpe Diem
T he aphorism carpe diem was penned by the Roman poet Horace in 23 BCE, making it one of the oldest philosophical mottos in western culture. But alas, it’s also the most misinterpreted Latin tag ever. Sometimes that well-worn adage doesn’t really mean what our literal-minded, text-focused, Google-driven world thinks it means. One reason this happens is that, quite... Read More.