Dedicated to advancing literacy and free expression by celebrating books that have been challenged, restricted, or outright banned.


June is Pride Month

J une is Pride Month! So, read a book from the ALA’s rainbow list. Or choose from books that have received the Stonewall Book Award for exceptional merit relating to the gay/ lesbian/ bisexual/ transgender experience. Books by and about the LGBTQ+ community are the most frequent targets of bans at public schools and libraries across the country.... Read More.

Aphorisms Unplugged: It’s a Cakewalk

T he phrase "It's a cakewalk" is typically used to mean something so easy success is certain. But the origins of this folk form are anything but easy. All too often the context of popular expressions has been forgotten. Their original message is typically richer and more profound than our contemporary interpretation. This Book is Banned proffers a... Read More.

Right to Read Day – April 24, 2023

T he American Library Association (ALA) has designated April 24, 2023 as the inaugural Right to Read Day. More than simple acknowledgement, it’s a national day of advocacy and action! The ALA is calling on readers, library lovers, and free speech advocates everywhere to defend their right to read freely, and take concrete action to preserve it: Check... Read More.

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